How to Crack Miracle Box v2.27A?

  1. First you need to download Miracle Box v2.27A.
  2. Extract the .rar compressed file.
  3. Go to loader folder and copy all "Miracle_Loader_2.27A, key" files.
  4. Go back to miracle box setup.
  5. Paste crack loader files to "Miracle Box v2.27A (Setup)" folder.
  6. Right Click on "Miracle_Loader_2.27A" loader file and run as administrator.
  7. This tool cracked again in 2017 (Solve "Start" button problem).
  8. Cracked 100% Done.Enjoy!

Watch Video Tutorial How To Crack Miracle Box v2.27A

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Asif Kamboh

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  2. i'm having trouble in GSM ALLADIN V2 1.34 because of Err_ID:1 (Can not find dongle)
    what should i do? I want to unlock phone_lock of Qmobile R650..

  3. hey! I'm Having trouble in GMS ALLAdin V2 1.34 because of Err_ID:1 (can not find dongle).. it is not getting start and process. I want to unlock my phone_lock of Qmobile 650.
